Look who is 6 years old! She woke up and immediately said to me, "momma, I cannot believe I get a CHERRY COKE at the Mexican restuarant tonight for my birthday!! Oh, and I wonder if I'm taller now that I'm six." ha.. It's the little things:) she also requested muffins for her birthday breakfast.. Easy peasy. We are planning a trip to the American Girl store soon to spend some money that she got for her birthday. She is so excited! After school today, she wanted to make sure that I remembered that she gets cherry coke and the little kids get water at the restaurant, because it IS her birthday:)
Happy birthday Ella Kate! I am so thankful that you are mine! What a sweet, thoughtful, helpful, creative, funny and beautiful girl you are. God has huge plans for you. Daddy and I love you to pieces!
These pictures crack me up! She has figured out how to take self portraits with the iPad and I found these this morning.. Silly girl:)
Speaking of silly girls.. I picked up Miley from mothers day out the other day and when we came home, we colored and made some jewelry. I had to feed Levi after a bit and she was not thrilled. She came to my room upstairs and said, "momma, I was having so much fun at school with my friends, but now I'm not having any fun at home with you!"
But she got over it and later on I found the swing that she made for her baby doll with a necklace and her bunkbeds:)
The kids got progress reports yesterday and they were both perfect! Ella Kate's teacher commented on how sweet, helpful and crafty she is and Josiah's teacher mentioned that he was cheerful, friendly and "advanced". So advanced that he has been moved up to 1st grade for reading and phonics! Today when I picked them up, he had some gummy bears that he got from 1st grade. Ella Kate had a puzzled look on her face and asked,"what's 1st grade?!" :)
Next, check out this hot mess!
She is as much mischievous as she is cute and that is a dangerous combination!
In a matter of seconds, she can yank my clothes off of their hangers in my closet, disconnect the Internet, fall down the stairs, dump out our entire toy box and throw Josiah's Nintendo ds in the trash can!
And while I had my back turned in the kitchen making some lemonade, she managed to do this..
((sigh)) I am tired just typing that! It's a good thing she is so darn cute! I don't remember my other ones being that busy.. I'm sure they cold have been, but I have forgotten!
And last but not least, I leave you with the cutest breath of fresh air on the planet..
My sweet Levi is 3 months old today and as PRECIOUS and easy as ever! Sleeps great, eats great... Super chill and laid back and I am SO thankful! However, do not put him in his carseat. As soon as his skin touches the vinyl, he will frown... And then holler. He is not a fan! I have yet to have a car ride when he is happy the entire time. However, when we are home all day, he won't make a peep! Crazy boy:) check out those juicy lips:)