miley likes to have "company" while she is on the potty:)
speaking of miley... she made me laugh this morning! adalyn had spit up some so, miley just grabbed the bottom of her nightgown and wiped her face/neck/chin all clean! what a doll!! i also have seen ella kate catch adalyn's spit up with her bare hands before, just so it wouldn't get her outfit or the floor dirty!! i have some big helpers:)
tonight in the car, ella kate found a pair of panties. (don't ask.) next thing i know, she is hollering at us to look at her. "look! i'm spidergirl!!"
sweet kisses!
don't ask what miley is doing in the background. just focus on the other 2 cuties smiling in the front:)

love 2 c hercunt and watch her pee