Monday, September 30, 2013

It's a good thing that this hot mess is cute, because she sure enough keeps me on my toes! She is busy, busy! I can't even count the number of times that she has colored on surfaces in our house that are NOT for coloring..

She also has a certain language that I adore, and know that I will miss one day. Here are a few of her 'sayings':
Hum on: come on
Stick it: lip stick
Hang-uh-burr: hamburger
Arse cream: ice cream
Sock-uh-ball: Popsicle
No yike dat: I don't like that
Yeg: leg
Chee-nell: ponytail
Shake a booty: sleeping beauty
Boog bike: bug bite

Her favorite game to play in the car with 'lee-why' is 'hold a hand!'

She is terrified of lawn mowers and loud trucks outside. She gets real skittish. This particular night, she was afraid of the pressure washer that Bill was using and had to come inside. It didn't keep her from calling for her siblings out the window, though:)

'Eddie' is her favorite friend. 'Clawa' is a close second:)

She LOVES her sisters. Ella Kate is such a big helper:)

Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Location:Adalyn's lingo..

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