ella kate and josiah are arguing over a pretend tea pot. josiah has it in his hands and ella kate says," 'siah, i am the momma and you are the daddy. now, you need to give it to me because mommas do all the work!"
we are looking for a toy to preoccupy miley so the older two can color. after a few seconds of looking for something ella kate says, "momma, this is just way too comp-i-cated!"
sissy (my sister, erin) kept the babies all weekend so that bill and i could go out of town and have some alone time with our friends for our anniversary. this was the first time that the girls have ever been away from us over night. josiah has spent the night with yaya (my sister, lauren) before, but she is pretty busy so he doesn't go very often. needless to say, i was very worried about how they would do and how i would do with us being apart. it was fun spending some time with my sweet billy d, but i missed those boogers like crazy!! erin said that they did great.. meaning josiah was good, while ella kate and miley cried and screamed their heads off at night time!! they just don't like to sleep away from home... so for 2 nights erin put up with the davis drama!! what an angel that sissy is:) it is a daunting task to have 3 little ones (ages 3 and under) as well as caring for your own baby for an entire weekend!! we are so thankful that she not only offered, but it was her decision to send us away for the weekend!!!! THANK YOU:) anywho.. i am telling you all of this because when we finally got the babies home, ella kate told me that at bed time she would have "a really hard day about munsters chasing her so she cried and cried!" before i could say anything to comfort ella kate about "munsters", josiah chimed in with a smile "and i had a hard day of fink-a-ningos!" (pink flamingos!) ha! he had no clue what ella kate was talking about, but he just knew that he wanted to be a part of the conversation too!
did i mention that miley can count to 10 now?? well she can... josiah taught her :)
miley also has a pair of sunglasses that she got from the dollar bin at target. she LOVES them and wears them pretty much all day, every day! she even took a nap with her "gwasses" yesterday:)
while driving over a big bridge on our way to the beach, the babies were looking at God's creation. ella kate got very excited and said, "daddy! daddy! i saw a whale! right there! see him?? 'siah, 'siah look! a whale!! oh.... wait! uh.... no.......that was just a duck!" i am sure those are mistaken for each other all of the time:)
miley spills her plate of food on my dad at the restaurant. she looks at him and says, "awww man!" :)
josiah is a fish. a cute little dimple faced fish! he is fearless when it comes to water. keep in mind he is only 2, but he can jump off the diving board, going completely under water and kick his little legs to the side. we make him wear swimmies, though! i am not THAT brave, yet:) oh, and his favorite trick to do off the diving board is the pencil:)
josiah is also quite gifted technologically:) he has figure out how to play with bill's itouch and is constantly trying to sneak into our bedroom to play with some of his apps!
we were playing outside one morning and ella kate looks up to the sky and says, "mom, it is a great day! the clouds are out.... the creatures are out, i think it is a great day to go swimming!"
You Know.
3 days ago
Your kids say the funniest things. I love all the stories you tell about them. I bet they are so much fun to be around :)