Monday, June 7, 2010

bedtime prayers

i absolutely LOVE to hear my sweet babies say their prayers! ella kate's are very sweet and very detailed! she thanks God for every person/friend/family member that she can think of, every animal that comes to mind, every food that she loves to eat and every toy in her room that she can see through her peaking eyes:) she also prays for nonny to come back home at least a couple times a week.... so sweet! josiah's prayers are quiet and to-the-point. sometimes, he even goes blank and has to ask ella kate what to say next. it is too cute.... for instance he'll say, "thank you for dis day, thank you for my cars, and what else?.... oh, and thank you for L-kate's barbies, and what else??..... oh, and thank you for my bed....." whatever she whispers to him, he repeats! :) miley said her first sweet prayer tonight. i was rocking her in her room tonight (just the 2 of us) and i was praying with her. when i finished, i asked her if she wanted to pray. she squeezed her eyes shut tightly, crinkled her nose and started mumbling something softly then i heard, "uhhh.. nana, uhhh... daddy. amen!" then she opened her eyes and smiled! she was so proud of her prayer, and my heart melted all over again! i love these kiddos:)

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