Wednesday, August 17, 2011

my twinkie

me and ella kate are buds.

there is NO DOUBT that she is a momma's girl through and through! she likes to be thisclose to me it really is sweet, but let's be honest.... it really drives me bonkers! heaven forbid i use the bathroom upstairs and steal 2 minutes for myself, because she will come running and looking for me. and she would get major anxiety on monday nights when i would leave for bible study. bill stayed home with the babies every time, and they had a blast without me, but it was so hard everytime i would first leave. then, i would have to promise that i would check on her as soon as i got home! i know that i should be loving all of this and soaking up every minute of her love for me, because one day she WILL be a teenager and i WILL NOT be so cool anymore:)

tonight when she got out of the bathtub, she asked if i could fix her "head towel" just like mine:) she LOVES to talk about how me, her and adalyn are all twinkies and daddy, jos and miley are twinkies. she likes to point out every little small thing that we have in common. for instance, she will say, "momma, me and you have long brown hair and we both like pink, and we like to snuggle and we like sprite and we color in the lines and we both like ariel and we LOVE popsicles and we are very careful holding the baby....." ( and so on and so on)

here is my creative little booger who made a drawing of her room and all of her furniture it.

she really is one of the most creative kids i have ever seen! right now, i cannot find a single ponytail holder in the house because she has learned how to do her baby doll's and barbies' hair. she does braids, ponytails and "p-tails" (pig tails). she also likes to pose her dolls on her bunkbed ladder like this...

and if all of the ponytail holders aren't being occupied by her dolls' nappy hair, she grabs them and turns her scuffed up shoes into fun maryjanes with straps:)

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